Sunlight contains three types of ultraviolet (UV) light. First there is UV-A, which makes up the vast majority of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. It’s capable of penetrating deep into the skin and is thought to be responsible for up to 80% of skin aging, from wrinkles to age spots, and even the possibility of skin cancer.

Next there’s UV-B, which can damage the DNA in our skin, leading to sunburn and eventually skin cancer.

There is also a third type: UV-C. This relatively obscure part of the spectrum consists of a shorter, more energetic wavelength of light. It is particularly good at destroying genetic material – whether in humans or viral particles. UV-C lamps are known to kill microorganisms. Artificially produced UV-C has become a staple method of sterilization and is used in hospitals, airplanes, offices, and factories every day. We began using periodic UV-C light treatments in our building this summer as one of many tools to fight Covid-19. Here are photos taken on the weekend of 9/6/20 while we were treating rooms and hallways throughout the house.